- Addiction Counseling Skills (21 hours)
This CAC I course provides a framework and counseling model for working with clients with substance use disorders. This course supports a client-centered, counselor-directed model using a motivational interviewing style and spirit. The counselor will experience and learn the counseling skills to support the client in identifying and changing behaviors. Videotaping and feedback is a core teaching method and will assist the student in developing a proficient level of counseling skills.
- Client Record Management (14 hours)
This CAC I course is designed to provide the counselor with an understanding of the clinical record and the continuum of client care that the record documents. This includes an introduction to diagnosis using the DSM 5, ASAM Placement criteria, the use of screening and assessment instruments, treatment planning, progress notes and discharge summaries. Other critical record components such as informed consent, mandatory disclosure, and releases.
- Principles of Addiction Treatment (21 hours)
This CAC I course presents the models of addiction, defines and outlines various types of addiction treatment, presents the national Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) principles of effective treatment and reviews the use of evidence-based treatment approaches.
- Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment (14 hours)
The focus of this CAC I course is on the complex relationship between the clientโs use of drugs and alcohol, lifestyle choices, and physiological health. This class prepares the addiction professional to screen for infectious diseases, determine client risk, educate clients about disease prevention and assist clients in obtaining appropriate treatment as needed.
- Culturally Informed Treatment (14 hours)
This CAC I course will provide a basic foundation for understanding how cultural competence; awareness and sensitivity can improve quality of care and increase positive outcomes. The importance of cultural diversity as a factor in substance use disorder treatment will be discussed and cultural competency will be defined as well as providing an introduction to aid the counselor in working with culturally diverse individuals, explores barriers to treatment and recovery, and presents recommended treatment approaches for diverse populations.
- Professional Ethics I: Ethics & Jurisprudence (14 hours)
This CAC I course will present ethical issues specific to the practice of addiction counseling and an overview of Colorado laws that regulate the practice of psychotherapy. It provides an emphasis on developing ethical decision making skills, the NAADAC code of ethics and the federal confidentiality regulation. The Colorado Mental health Practice Act will be reviewed to include disciplinary procedures, prohibited activities and the role of the Department of Regulatory Agencies.
- Pharmacology I (14 hours)
This CAC I course provides a solid base of knowledge about the drugs of abuse including alcohol, depressants, stimulants, cannabis, inhalants, designer drugs, hallucinogens, caffeine, nicotine and prescription drugs. It will identify physical effects of these drugs, withdrawal syndromes and process of detoxification. Various methods of drug testing and monitoring will be addressed.
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